Stallhagen – Styrman IPA Review

  • Name: Styrman
  • Brewery: Stallhagen
  • Style: Non Alcoholic IPA
  • ABV: 0.5%
  • IBU: 30
  • Packaging: Bottle
  • Released: 2021
  • Rating: 43/50

We’ve tasted so many non alcoholic craft beers that just lacks the nose. This beer doesn’t.


In this article, we are reviewing the Stallhagen Styrman IPA.

Stallhagen is a brewery from the Åland Islands. Åland is an autonomous archipelago that belongs to Finland. You would believe that means they say alkoholiton olut for alcohol-free craft beer on Åland – that is incorrect! Here they actually don´t even need to learn Finnish in school because it´s a unilingually Swedish-speaking area. That means alkoholfri öl is the word to use if you want to order non-alcoholic beer on Åland.

Tasting Notes

Now, wow! This is what I call a great non-alcoholic craft beer. I really thought it was a normal alcoholic beer when I took my first sip. Granted, it does taste a bit more like a Pale Ale than an IPA but if they manage to make it this flavorful, I don’t care. If we could drink these kinds of beers all the time we would be very happy.

It pours like a beer and smells like a beer. A very big head actually and the carbonation is quite high. Initially, we thought that the carbonation might be a bit too high but it’s actually not over the top.

We’ve tasted so many non alcoholic craft beers from Finland that just lacks the nose. This beer doesn’t.

It’s the same with the taste that is packed with flavor. There is no alcohol balancing the hops but that is understandable. We still think the malt and hops balance is just perfect. There is a bit of bitterness but it’s also nicely balanced. The IBU is 30 and it would definitely be interesting to see how the same beer would taste if you’d up the bitterness a bit.

The Stallhagen Styrman hits right with some nice citrusy flavors, some pine and crisp bread.

Styrman IPA Nutritional Facts

Styrman IPA has 21 kcal per 100 ml so it´s about the same calories as most other non alcoholic craft beers. The ABV is 0.5% and the IBU 30.

Styrman IPA Rating

Stallhagen Styrman IPA is probably one of the best non alcoholic IPAs in Finland. We’re really surprised that they have managed to pack this much flavor in a low calorie alcohol free beer. It’s an enjoyment to drink and we would be very happy if we accidentally ordered this beer in an alcohol free bar.

Our Alcohol Free Craft Beer Rating – 43/50


What is the ABV of Styrman IPA?

This non-alcoholic IPA has an ABV of 0.5%.

How many calories in Styrman IPA?

The IBU is 30 which is quite low for a craft beer, but it definitely does not take away anything from the flavor.

Is Styrman IPA vegan?

We don´t have any information if this beer is vegan or not.

Is Styrman IPA gluten-free?

This beer is not gluten-free.

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