Ukko Pekka & Pistonhead Flat Tire Review


I really couldn’t bother to write a review each for these beers- Pistonhead Flat Tire and Ukko Pekka.

The whole ordeal was actually Ukko Pekkos’s fault. The Flat Tire was drinkable but the first one really got me in a bad mood. Anyways, I wrote some tasting notes for it but I’m skipping the other parts I usually have in my non alcoholic craft beer reviews.

Ukko Pekka Review

I had bought the beers to drink in the sauna. I started with the Ukko Pekka and i Had a 500ml can of it. I took my first sip and it was very sweet. It tasted like carbonated wort and it really annoyed me. They hadn’t put any effort into making it taste like a beer.

It just tasted like they had finished the beer and carbonated the result. Has the beer even seen any yeast? I left the can for a while and tried to see if I would change my mind after 5 minutes. No difference and I still hated the beer. It really bugs me when breweries don’t even try. I can’t understand how someone would put a product like this on the market and also charge a few Euros for it. The only upside was that it had a decently thick body but that doesn’t help much when it tastes like shit.

My brother said it tasted like oat porridge. There is actually a Finnish beer style that tastes like that, but in the future, they could write on the can that it contains what we call Kotikalja.

Our non-alcoholic craft beer rating: 6/50

Pistonhead Flat Tire Review

The Pistonhead Flat Tire was actually decent. It could almost have gotten its own review but it works like this as well.

I didn’t hate this beer. It’s a remake of their Flat Tire Mosaic Hoppy Lager. I remember that beer being decent although nothing to write home about. Brutal Brewing that make these beers generally have alright beers and I like their branding.

The Flat Tire beer is quite watery. It lacks body but it has got a decent enough flavor to drink. If you don’t have any other options it is an alright choice but I wouldn’t just go and order this non-alcoholic beer every time I go out.

Our non-alcoholic craft beer rating: 20/50

For better lagers check out More Brewing Lager or Laitilan Kukko Lager.

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